
Gratis: Winter Appeal


"For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in” - Matthew 25:35

As we head into winter, there are a number of our Gratis street whānau feeling the cold. Can you help? Here are some ways to do so:

1. Donate blankets/jackets

Bring along any quality blankets or jackets to church on any Sunday all of July. We’ll have a drop-off point by the Welcome table as you arrive. Alternatively, drop them off at Community Hall from Monday-Thursday.


2. Donate financially

If you don’t have any quality items you would like to pass on, we will grab some items on your behalf if you donate below.

Donate now

All that we receive will be passed on to those who need it during our Monday night Gratis Street feeds, and if you are interested in helping in any way in this appeal or with Gratis Street, email here.



Good Gifts

Update 6 December 2023: Thank you to everyone who gave to Good Gifts 2023. Each initiative has now been given their Good Gift and passed it onto the community they serve. We are so grateful for your generosity enabling this.

This Christmas, help us bless the community through Good Gifts

Every Christmas, we reimagine Good Gifts to practice generosity by looking outward that we could serve and bless our community in a meaningful way.

For 2023, we want to support three initiatives that are bubbling away in the Central Vineyard community, by passing on Good Gifts to the people they are serving. These are:

Neurodiverse Families

This year the Muller’s started a support group for fellow families with neurodiverse children; a space to care for each other, share helpful resources, and build connection. Approaching Christmas the Muller’s want to be generous to this community with care packs for the parents and some fun things for the kids.

You can bless this emerging community by donating towards these gift packs.

Sad Mums Club

Sad Mums Club is not the club you wanted to join, but the one you need. 1 in 10 women are struggling with post-natal depression, not only affecting their own well-being but their children, their partners and the community at large. Started by SJ Treharne, Sad Mums Club aims to raise awareness and provide totally cute resources on post-natal depression in Auckland.

Post-natal packs have been designed to bless new mothers in their time of need, providing helpful information on the treatment options and empowering artwork. Check them out at here

You can bless Sad Mums Club by donating towards getting post-natal packs printed.

Give a good gift to sad mums club


Established in 2016, Gratis is Central Vineyard’s weekly community meal to feed the hungry in Auckland CBD. Every year Gratis does something extra special at Christmas to make sure this community feels seen and loved at this festive time. This year we’re cooking up a Christmas feast and pulling together Aroha Packs that have some practical helpful items and some treats.

You can bless the Gratis whānau by donating towards Christmas Aroha Packs.

Give a Good Gift to Gratis




An Easter series on worship

Worthy is the Lamb who was slaughtered— to receive power and riches and wisdom and strength and honor and glory and blessing.” - Revelation 5:12

The English word "worship" comes from the word "worthy”. It means acknowledging the worth, the worthy-ness, of the one who is worshiped. It means gladly recognizing and celebrating the fact that this God is who he is, has done what he has done and will do what he will do.

For the Easter season — amongst the story of Jesus who upon the cross and in resurrection became the lion-like-lamb worthy of our worship — we are going to look at the theme and practice of worship in the Scriptures, in our stories and in our songs.




Change to this Sunday

Unfortunately due to an unexpected maintenance issue that has happened this week at Epsom Girls Grammar, we are now unable to use the hall this weekend for our first gathering back for 2023. Drat!

So, being flexible here, we've decided to embrace the summer vibes and we invite you to join us at Cornwall Park by the rotunda and cafe (see map) between 10am–midday this Sunday for a park hangout together.

Bring your own preferred park setup (chairs or blankets) and some food and a coffee (or grab something takeaway from the cafe) and come reconnect with us!

We look forward to seeing you and in the meantime, we're moving all our plans for what would of been our first church gathering to next week!

💙 The CV team




Summer Dates

Every summer we embrace the rhythms of our season and take a break to practice sabbath rest as a community and enjoy the holidays.

Our last Sunday gathering of 2022: 18 December

Our first Sunday gathering of 2023: 22 January

Office closed 20 December - 15 January

While we are on break we know that life is still happening. So, if any personal emergencies arise, please contact us at

We pray and hope you can stop, rest, delight and worship these coming weeks!




For three Sundays on 13, 20 and 27 November our Epsom Gathering is at a different time and place. Due to exams at EGGS, we are relocating to Curate Church AKL for an afternoon gathering at 3pm which finishes with connection and dinner together. Here are the details for the temporary move:

Where is Curate Church AKL?
44 George Street, Mount Eden, Auckland. 

Where should I park?
There are car parks at Curate, the lawyers next door, the accountants across the road and Collective on the opposite corner. You might get some lucky street parking, but best bet is the carpark on the corner of George St and New North Rd. From there you can then walk the short distance to Curate up the rise, over the train tracks and you’re there.

What is church going to be like this Sunday?
Though starting at 3pm, it’s going to be very much still the normal thing we do together; there will be coffee on as you arrive, we’ll worship, we’ll come to the Table, we’ll continue our Wholly Following Christ series, and we’ll see what the Spirit wants to do as ministry. Our CV Kids will get to enjoy their programmes in Curate’s fantastic kids spaces. But then at 5pm, something different; because of the time and place, we’re making space to connect with one another and having dinner together...

…so what’s the dinner details?
On November 13, our CV Youth are fundraising for 2023 events by collaborating with HunterBurger to make smash burgers. It will be $15 for a burger + drink (EFTPOS, bank transfer or cash payment available) and because it’s a fundraiser, if you want to add a little bit extra on top as a tip, the youth won’t deny you the opportunity! Also - we never want money to be a reason someone can’t participate in eating with us, so we have some burgers sponsored already too. Burgers will be starting service at 5pm for an early dinner.

So, that’s the different plan! We look forward to seeing you Sunday in this different place, but still as the same people pursuing Jesus together.



TABLES: Church-wide lunch banquets on 18 Sep

Tables is a practice of hospitality - powerful spaces where we can make room to see strangers become friends.

On Sunday 18th September, instead of our usual Sunday Gatherings, we will be meeting all over the city around Tables for a Sunday Lunch Banquet. We look forward to welcoming you for lunch!

Sign up to attend is essential as there are some hefty logistics to play out in organising all of this, so please do so here.

Sunday 18 September, 12pm-2.30pm all across the city.



NEW MESSAGE SERIES: Wholly following Christ

A series exploring a beautiful and balanced vision of the Christian life

“I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.” – Jesus

In this season of reorder, we want to ask a key and important question: how do we holistically follow Jesus in the abundant life he modelled and taught? What is Christ’s vision of a deep, considered and beautiful life for us to embrace and enjoy — and how do we?

For the rest of 2022 (until Advent) we will be exploring six key facets of life with God:
• The Spirit-empowered life
• The Word-anchored life
• The Compassionate life
• The Consecrated life
• The Incarnational life
• The Prayer-filled life

Starts this Sunday, 10am at Epsom Gathering. We’d love to see you as we start this new journey together 💎





While we regather and regroup as a church, our pastoral team are going to take these next several weeks to share a few of the things that are most dear to us for the future as a way of re-envisioning us all together.

Join us on Sundays, 10am at EGGS and if you can’t make it, or are feeling a bit tentative to join in, we will have the Podcast up Sunday afternoon for you to tune in wherever you listen to podcasts.



Update: Regathering this weekend

This Easter weekend is our regathering weekend!

After such a long season scattered and apart, we are so excited to be regrouping as a church, and invite you to join us this weekend at two great environments to connect with the Easter event – together!

Tonight is our Maundy Thursday Contemplative Service, 8-9pm at Community Hall. This special evening is helping us to enter the drama of Easter through a liturgy of Scriptures and story, songs and silence, candles and quietening down. Come and begin the Easter weekend deeply tonight! Here are the details (though signup isn’t required now, it would help to know if you are coming!)

Then, on Sunday is our Ressurection Sunday Gathering, 10am at Epsom Girls Grammar Hall. This morning gathering will be our own resurrection of sorts: our first Sunday back, starting a season of being all together in one location and time so we can regroup and reconnect as a church. Youth, New Lynn and 4pm gathering people, this is for you too! We want to take the next several Sundays to be one church gathering so we can reenvision and enjoy God’s renewal work amongst us together again. If you haven’t visited our EGGS gathering location before, we’d love to see you, here are the details.

As we have now moved to the Orange Alert level, registrations are no longer required, but at the gatherings, we will be following public health advice and our heart is to do all that we can to look after the vulnerable amongst our church whānau, so:

  • be prepared to spread out a little and make a bit of space

  • we encourage masks to be worn inside (our team and volunteers all will be, except for when up the front)

  • if you are unwell or have any coldlike symptoms, please stay at home

We can not wait to see you this weekend, and if you are heading away, then we want to wish you safe travels and hope that your soul is filled as you head out of the city for a rest and a holiday. We look forward to seeing you next weekend as we gather again at EGGS (or a weekend soon after!)
