circles — Our community groups, where we join with each other to pursue Jesus in deeper ways.

We believe that connection together and formation into a deep and healthy life of following Jesus is  best done in community. Not just in the rows we find ourselves in on Sunday, but the circles of people around us.

Our framework for Circles is from Acts 2:42-47 and the rest of the New Testament where we see the early Church pursue Jesus in a committed community that resembles an alternative family.

Pulling from their example, Circles are groups with up to a dozen local people of various ages and stages, who come together regularly to eat together, learn together, pray together, care for each other and pursue Jesus, together.

“To experience the kingdom of God a group of people should get together and simply try to do the things that Jesus instructed his disciples to do.”



Step 1 — Listen to the podcast below for the basics of Circles at CV.

Step 2 — Attend the Introduction to Circles event held in March and August. Outside of these times, email Ella Oh who will help you connect to a Circle: 

Step 3 — Be placed in a local Circle.



Questions about CIRCLES?