Our story so far:
OCT 2013
This all started with dreams and prophetic words to Dan and Gabrielle Sheed who discerned them with their pastors at the time, Vic and Fran Francis at Shore Vineyard.
NEW YEAR 2014 — MID 2014
After accumulating nine prophetic words, the final word was to go and do. So with that, the decision was made for Dan to finish his position as assistant pastor at Shore Vineyard and to begin praying and planning for a church plant.
In OCTOBER 2014—a year after the first dreams began, Shore Vineyard blessed and sent Dan and Gabrielle to go on the next endeavour.
IN December 2014, THE Central Vineyard journey begins as a very small group of friends in a lounge including Rob and Alisha Wiseman. Time together spent praying, worshiping and dreaming about what could be ahead, led to the name of Central Vineyard and a vision to be a community “pursuing Jesus and playing our part in what God is doing in the world, right now”
FEB - NOV 2015
We began public monthly midweek gatherings at Crave cafe, then onto Mt Eden Methodist hall.
In December 2015 WE moved to ANI school hall and in early 2016 Dan and Gabrielle were commissioned as pastors in the Vineyard Aotearoa movement.
we began to CREATE outward initiatives, making new ways to love our city as a church through Good Gifts and the beginning of the Gratis Free Store.
Due to A year of growth in the summer of 2017 we moved our Sunday Gathering to Epsom Girls Grammar. This is the part of the story when things really started to going…
WE SET UP OUR FIRST COMMUNITY HALL, a facility we could use during the week to pray and worship in, to serve our city from and a place our growing team could work from.
we HELD OUR FIRST PRAYER WEEK, making space for prayer for an entire week as a community, our hearts coming alive to more of His presence.
IN 2018 we made a significant change to our leadership structure and became a co-led church. Alisha and Rob became the co-leaders of Central Vineyard alongside Dan and Gabrielle.
IN MORE RECENT YEARS we have walked through a global pandemic and floods in our city, but our mission has been the same: to help people pursue Jesus and begin their journey of joining Him in the restoration of all things.