Pursuing Jesus and joining Him in the restoration of all things.

WE ARE Central Vineyard — A church in the heart of Tāmaki Makaurau, seeking to centre all things on Jesus and His invitation to: “Come, follow me, and I will show you how…”


As a church community we have found Jesus’ invitation changes everything. He calls each of us because he loves us and wants us, and he gives us all dignity to respond and receive the gift he offers. What will we say in response to his invitation?

If we say “yes”, we are saying yes to trust. We commit to follow Him as our Master, learning how to abide in love and seeking to be formed more-and-more into His likeness and sharing in His flourishing life.

Jesus stated that He came to “give a life better than you can imagine”

JOHN 10:10

All of this leads to participating with Him in His work of renewing all things, “making all things new” (Rev 21:5). Jesus is at work in the world, and we want to join in.

Our Values

That responds to the God who first loves us.

Into the likeness of Jesus by the Spirit.

That makes a generous space for all.

That is a new family to belong in.

That moves us outward motivated by love.

In all these things, we acknowledge the tension between the now and not yet, suffering and healing, brokenness and wholeness, grief and joy, certainty and uncertainty, trusting God in the process.


We are a Vineyard Church, and love being in the Vineyard movement of Aotearoa NZ.

The Vineyard is an international family of churches, relationally connected, that sprung from the Jesus movement in California in the 1970’s. Coming from our short but rich history the Vineyard has distinctives that you’d recognize stepping into a Vineyard church anywhere, these come from a shared theological vision and commitment to values of what the Church can be.


We’ve found that church leadership is beautiful when it's collaborative, unified, and honours each other's gifts. We are convinced that no single person has everything that is required to lead a church into everything a church can be.  We’re doing this together.

Meet Our Team