SERVE — We are huge believers that following Jesus means we are generous with all that we have. This means offering our time and energy as a way of contributing – plus it’s a great way to connect with others.

  • All are welcome at Sunday Gatherings and as a church whānau we want to care for everyone well by hosting something special every week. It takes many hands; from AV, to making coffee, setting up and packing down. There are lots of ways to pitch in and we’re grateful for your contribution to making Central Vineyard the most welcoming church it can be. 

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  • Our worship whānau is made up of ordinary people seeking to glorify God and encounter Him, using their unique gift mixes to curate a sacred space of encounter together. For us, worship is about serving God and people, by making a way for us all to meet with Him. We take time to prayerfully select, practice, prepare and rehearse our waiata (songs) to get out of the way so that God may move powerfully through our whakamoemiti (praise). This is both a beautiful privilege and real responsibility that we carry with care (and joy!). 

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  • Creating whanaungatanga through hospitality, care and compassion that reflects and points to Jesus. Find out how you could serve at Gratis, to bless our city.

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  • Our kids (tamariki) need some wonderful adults to help facilitate Sunday’s. The lessons, craft, games and snacks are organised and prepared by the Children's Ministry Leader. You just need to show up on the Sunday.

    Lil Rippers, Nippers and Groms each have a volunteer leader and supporting volunteer/s.

    Leaders - you’ll welcome the children, present the lesson, and lead the group.

    Supporters - you’re there to support both the leader and tamariki. You’ll help welcome tamariki and provide support with craft and games. 

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  • We want our youth (rangatahi) to experience a rich relationship with Jesus and empower them to live into their God-given purpose and identity. Join our rangatahi on their journey as a youth leader or part of the team to help.

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