17 Mercury Lane, rendered

17 Mercury Lane, rendered

We’ve had a vision for a place in Auckland City that blessed our city and helped us live out life together. We wanted that place to be a space of prayer, connection and hospitality.

Good news: we have it.


We have just signed a lease for 17 Mercury Lane, right in the heart of Auckland City. God has been all over this process and we are so excited by all that He has done making the path straight and answering our prayers - especially #prayforElliot.

The place is perfect for our vision and ticks so many boxes from your feedback to our survey. We’re going to leave a lot of it as a large fluid space for you to do what you see in it.

Remember, this is not our office nor a place for our Sunday gatherings, it’s our Community Hall – a space for us to do mission and life in together: Gratis is going to grow further here; worship nights will fill the room with beauty and creativity; movies, docos and things you make will be shown; your parties, seminars, art installations and any other gatherings can be held here; prayer, creativity and care will take place in our dedicated rooms but the rest will be a blank canvas for you to do what you see...

...all for the cause of blessing the city as people of prayer, connection and hospitality.
So we’re going to spend the summer break painting it, building a simple fitout and beginning to create our prayer room. If you want to make a special contribution to the Community Hall project, or give us a hand, let us know.
What a wild way to finish 2017 and start 2018!


P.S. Anyone got an old piano they wouldn’t mind donating? One that you wouldn’t mind being painted...

