It's school holidays at the moment, which means it's halfway through 2017. Yikes.

As a milestone in our year, we use this halfway point as a moment to look back with gratitude on what has happened so far and look forward to what is ahead.

We want to share a bit about what's been important so far, we want to tell you about a couple of big things coming up that we are really excited about, and we want to do something for the first time in the life of our family: bless and commission some of our leaders, Alisha and Rob Wiseman.

It's such a good occasion we have ordered in some epic donuts for a mini-party afterwards.

It's one of those special family moments not to miss, we'd love you to be there and celebrate Half Time.


Oh! And P.S. We took ownership of one of these bad boys this week, so don't let the cold put you off:
