In this moment of history, with terms like “unprecedented” or “one-in-a-hundred-years” bandied around regularly, it’s easy to think no one has done life like this before. Or the other temptation is to think the way they did navigate it is antiquated: we have progressed and don’t need to listen to history anymore. But that would be chronological snobbery, to not look back receptively would be unwise. So then, to listen to how people have navigated history is wise; there is wisdom to be found in looking at the story of their lives lived.

The Church, while it hasn’t seen this moment of history before, has lived versions of our current challenges before, and here’s the good bit: God has done amazing things in the Church as She lived in those moments. Things that are worth us paying attention to as we navigate these times.

The Church has a lived story in all kinds of situations across the globe. Been here, done that is a mini-series that wants to turn around from here and look at what the Church did. We’ll be exploring five moments in church history that speak to our current historical moment, attentively listening to the wisdom gained that we may apply it today.

Join us each Sunday in level 3 for this series released as Sunday Epistles to your inbox and on our Podcast
