Spiritual formation occurs primarily in the context of community ... It is a simple but profound biblical reality that we both grow and thrive together or we do not grow much at all.
— Dr. Joseph H. Hellerman

As we begin 2022 and continue to lean into God’s reordering work in our lives we want to start the year with a fresh exploration of life in Jesus’ vision of Christian community. What is it actually meant to look like? How do we practice true community? What will it take? What must we grow past? What will be the benefits? Tune in to the Sunday Epistles for the next four weeks to come on the journey.

We’ll be covering:

  • Jesus’ vision for community

  • Knowing and naming your stage and season of community

  • Common idealistic ideas and assumptions that kill community

  • How community works at Central Vineyard and how to deepen it

Alongside this series, while we are not currently gathering in Red Light setting, this is a great opportunity to literally practice what we are preaching and to experience exploring this topic with others. Get together in your Circle on Sunday to share a brunch or meal, watch the Sunday Epistle videos, and kick it around together – and if you need to get connected into a Circle, this is the month to do so!
