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No Sunday Gathering this Sunday, so instead...

Due to our regular hall being unavailable this Sunday, we aren't able to have our Sunday Gathering so we're gathering in our Circles to enjoy eating together instead.

If you aren't in a Circle yet, this is a great chance to meet some new friends, eat some good food and enjoy all that comes with doing that! Feel free to bring along a +1 too, just be sure to let the leader of the Circle know...

Here's what our Circles are doing, contact the leader for more details:

Central Circle - Waterfall Trip + Picnic
Contact Rebecca McGrath / 022 152 9084

City Circle - Brunch at Nixon St flat, Ponsonby
Contact Cameron Thorp / 021 245 8876

West Circle - Brunch at The Tannery, New Lynn
Contact Emma + Troy Moselen / 021 130 4822

North Circle - Brunch at Bungalo Cafe, Birkenhead
Contact Dan and Gab Sheed / 021 946 111


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I had vowed that this Sunday wouldn't happen

When I was a teenager, I watched as my parents went through an incredibly painful and hard period of ministry as the pastors of our church. I haven't made many vows in my life, but I remember making a very clear one at the time: "There is no way I would ever be a pastor."

Oh, how I laugh at that now.

This Sunday we have a very special celebration happening; we are being commissioned into the Vineyard Churches of Aotearoa NZ family, and with that, Gab and I are being commissioned as 'real' pastors. I had vowed this Sunday wouldn't happen.

I am so glad that my teenage vow hasn't eventuated. Just last Sunday at our weekly gathering we heard several stories of what people had experienced during our Prayer Week. If I had seen through my vow, I would never of had the pleasure of hearing these stories of God-at-work right now amongst us. It's an incredible privilege to watch firsthand the new and fresh activity of what God is up to.

We'd love to have you come and celebrate this special moment with us. We have Lloyd and Victoria Rankin, the national directors of the Vineyard, coming to share and lead our commissioning, and then straight afterwards we are want to invite you to stay for a big picnic lunch outside, our shout.

We're set to celebrate, and we'd love to have you there. 

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March Gathering


The time for our monthly gathering has arrived again and we're excited to say we are meeting once more at Crave Cafe. Come join us on Wednesday, March 18th at 7:30pm for a chance to meet together and meet with God.

Invite a friend or a neighbour and come join in the journey with us.





December Gathering

If you're interested in our church plant journey in 2015, we'd love it if you could join us and our growing core team for our final gathering of 2014. We'll have dinner, a chat around what's ahead and some worship and ministry.

Our special guest joining us this month is a friend of ours, Andy Campbell from St Paul's Symonds St and leader of Worship Central NZ.

Just let us know you're coming by commenting below, or by emailing us, so we can cater a feast for you.


Wednesday, Dec 10th, 6pm for those who want to join in on dinner or 7.30pm for those who want to just come for the meeting. (But why would you?)


