Due to our regular hall being unavailable this Sunday, we aren't able to have our Sunday Gathering so we're gathering in our Circles to enjoy eating together instead.

If you aren't in a Circle yet, this is a great chance to meet some new friends, eat some good food and enjoy all that comes with doing that! Feel free to bring along a +1 too, just be sure to let the leader of the Circle know...

Here's what our Circles are doing, contact the leader for more details:

Central Circle - Waterfall Trip + Picnic
Contact Rebecca McGrath / 022 152 9084

City Circle - Brunch at Nixon St flat, Ponsonby
Contact Cameron Thorp / 021 245 8876

West Circle - Brunch at The Tannery, New Lynn
Contact Emma + Troy Moselen / 021 130 4822

North Circle - Brunch at Bungalo Cafe, Birkenhead
Contact Dan and Gab Sheed / 021 946 111
