Are you already thrashing those catchy Christmas carols? Are your walls already covered in tinsel? You may or may not be an early-Christmas-person but Christmas sure is getting closer and it’s high time we put some serious thought into what we can do to bless those around us this Christmas. 

At Central Vineyard we want to be a church that looks outward into our world, serving and blessing our community. What better opportunity do we have to do this than at Christmas time?

So this season let's bless those around us with 'Good Gifts'. 

What are these Good Gifts?

Each Good Gift will be an amazing hamper/gift basket full of tasty treats and special items (think chocolate, lollies, Christmas pudding, nuts, baking etc) that we will then pass on to our neighbours, colleagues or anyone in our world that you would simply like to bless this Christmas.

So firstly, we'll make them: 
The plan is for us to collectively donate towards and then assemble 50 Good Gifts. We will collectively fundraise the funds needed to buy and make the Gifts, and then we will host a fun evening where we put the Gifts together and box them up.

Next, we'll deliver them:
Each of us will have the chance to reserve, or call dibs on, a Good Gift to pass on to someone - so get thinking about who that is! Your Good Gift will be available to collect on Sunday, Dec 18 at our final Sunday Gathering for 2016.

We have a goal of 50 Good Gifts to be sponsored, made and passed on by us, so let’s all get on board and make this happen. 


  1. Contribute by financially donating toward the purchasing of the goods, or baking some sweet treats
  2. Contribute by assembling and putting together the gifts (Wednesday, Dec 14th, 7pm at Holm, 295 K-Rd) 
  3. Reserve a Good Gift to take and give to someone in your world (max of 3) 
  4. On December 18th, collect your Good Gift at our final Gathering for 2016 and pass it on! 


Contributions for Give Good Gifts are now closed, we met our goal and fully-funded this initiative!


Reservations for Give Good Gifts are now closed, reserved gifts can be collected at our final gathering of 2016 on December 18.  
