Worth-ship - pt 8 (The big picture, a paradox and priests) Worth-ship 27 Jun Written By Asher Pilbrow VIEW SLIDES FOR THIS TALK “This is Paul’s big picture of worship: YOU as a priest in this world, as a mediator reflecting God into this world; doing the work of making-things-new; standing in the gap for those who need you to; being salt and light.” Asher Pilbrow
Worth-ship - pt 8 (The big picture, a paradox and priests) Worth-ship 27 Jun Written By Asher Pilbrow VIEW SLIDES FOR THIS TALK “This is Paul’s big picture of worship: YOU as a priest in this world, as a mediator reflecting God into this world; doing the work of making-things-new; standing in the gap for those who need you to; being salt and light.” Asher Pilbrow