Faithful Presence - pt 1 (A presence that is within, lived-out and faithful) Faithful Presence 12 Feb Written By Asher Pilbrow Dan Sheed kicks off our brand new series with this opener from Psalm 107:43. (Note, due to an extreme technical difficulty this is a re-recorded version of this talk) VIEW THE SLIDES FOR THIS TALK MEMORISATION/PRAYER CARD:Ideal for phone wallpaper Asher Pilbrow
Faithful Presence - pt 1 (A presence that is within, lived-out and faithful) Faithful Presence 12 Feb Written By Asher Pilbrow Dan Sheed kicks off our brand new series with this opener from Psalm 107:43. (Note, due to an extreme technical difficulty this is a re-recorded version of this talk) VIEW THE SLIDES FOR THIS TALK MEMORISATION/PRAYER CARD:Ideal for phone wallpaper Asher Pilbrow