Been here, done that - pt 3: The Parihaka Community (Sunday epistle audio version)

Alternatively to listening below, you can read it in letter-form here

‘Been here, done that’ is a mini-series reflecting on five stories from church history and their wisdom for today. This weekend Vivek and Elianna Gabriel are sending the third Sunday Epistle of the series, looking at the story of the Parihaka community. They are taking us to a story of our own land and history, of a community who embodied the way of peace and putting into practice the peacemaking value of the gospel.

Audio Epistle credits

Written and read by Vivek and Elianna Gabriel
Music by Donald Goodhall
Produced and mixed by Vivek Gabriel


Been here, done that - pt 4: Brother Lawrence (Sunday epistle audio version)


Been here, done that - pt 2: The Secret Church of the Second Century (Sunday epistle audio version)