Be With, Be Like - pt 4: Peace (Sunday epistle audio version)

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Alternatively to listening below, you can read it in letter-form here

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‘Be with, be like’ is an exploration of fruitfulness, and what it is to experience and exhibit the Father’s love and Christlike Way by the Holy Spirit. In this fourth week we are exploring peace, and as it’s our first Sunday in lockdown Level 4, we send it with love and in the form of an epistle-like letter read by Alisha, Dan, Ella, Gabrielle, Rob and Vivek.

Audio Epistle credits

Written and read by Alisha, Dan, Ella, Gabrielle, Rob and Vivek
”Peace / Afio Mai” performed by Donald Goodhall, written and owned by Te Rautini / Link
Music by Jiwan Rai
Produced and mixed by Vivek Gabriel


Sunday Epistle: Guest author - Aaron Hardy (Sunday epistle audio version)


Be With, Be Like - pt 3: Joy