Pursuing Jesus Dan Sheed Pursuing Jesus Dan Sheed

Pursuing Jesus: “I’ll show you how”, the Master who takes us to who we can become

We conclude our "Pursuing Jesus" series, focusing on discipleship as apprenticeship. Like Peter, we are invited to come, follow, and then be shown by Jesus how to live in His Kingdom. Apprenticeship is about living towards a future-orientation of who we are becoming, requires scaffolding and curiosity. It is ultimately for joining Jesus in His work of restoring all things, becoming fruitful for others and the world.

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Pursuing Jesus Alisha Wiseman Pursuing Jesus Alisha Wiseman

Pursuing Jesus: “Follow me”, make Christ your vine

Jesus’ invitation—“Follow me”—sounds simple, but like Peter, we often don’t realise what we’re signing up for. In this episode, we explore what it truly means to abide in Jesus, trust Him as Saviour, and walk in friendship with Him. What are you attached to? What’s shaping you? And is it producing the life you long for? Join us as we dive into John 15 and the call to a life well connected to Christ.

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Pursuing Jesus Dan Sheed Pursuing Jesus Dan Sheed

Pursuing Jesus: A journey of apprenticeship

Jesus invites us into His Kingdom like a host inviting guests to a great feast—abundant, joyful, and open to all. But the choice to accept is ours; excuses can keep us from the table. God won’t force us in, but His invitation remains: Come, I want you here. How will you respond?

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