
Halftime - pt 5 (Living the cruciform-tension)


Halftime is our agenda for June at Central Vineyard. Together, we are pausing to look at the founding core values that we have embodied in our story so far, and also what we hope the future will look like as we embody the new things God is doing with us together. In this final part Dan highlights how we live in a tension of both trusting in God with all we can and yet, rolling our sleeves up to do our part that God needs us to do to love our city.



Halftime - pt 4 (From lantern, to lampstand / The art of living outward)


Halftime is our agenda for June at Central Vineyard. Together, we are pausing to look at the founding core values that we have embodied in our story so far, and also what we hope the future will look like as we embody the new things God is doing with us together. In part four Dan explores our fourth value of outward-living and taking our missiology seriously.



Peripheral - pt 11 (The way of imagination / Mark 4:1-20)


Join us for our journey through Mark's gospel recording of Jesus. In part eleven, Strahan gives an introduction to parables, and helps us to understand how they would have been interpreted in the original context.

Parables subversively slip past our defenses. Once they’re inside the citadel of self, we might expect a change of method, a sudden brandishing of bayonets resulting in a palace coup. But it doesn’t happen…God does not impose his reality from without; he grows flowers and fruit from within.
— Eugene Peterson



Peripheral - pt 8 (The way of inclusion / Mark 2:13-17)


Join us for our journey through Mark's gospel recording of Jesus. Part eight sees Dan exploring the story of Jesus calling Levi and taking him to a table of radical inclusion and a vibrant picture of the mercy of God. Also we here some stories from Gratis leader, Katie Myers.

The strategy of Jesus is not centred in taking the right stand on issues, but rather in standing in the right place - with the outcast and those relegated to the margins.
— Fr. Gregory Boyle



Peripheral - pt 7 (The way of forgiveness / Mark 2:1-12)


Join us for our journey through Mark's gospel recording of Jesus. Part seven sees Dan exploring the story of Jesus healing a paralytic man who was lowered through his roof showing the new movement of God's forgiveness.

Forgiveness is the name of love practiced among people who love poorly. The hard truth is that all people love poorly. We need to forgive and be forgiven every day, every hour increasingly. That is the great work of love among the fellowship of the weak that is the human family.
— Henri Nouwen



Resurrection Sunday

Resurrection Sunday.jpg

This week Strahan leads us through a celebration of Jesus' resurrection from the dead, discussing two ways it changes things for us, right now. 

The resurrection can only be received and affirmed and celebrated as the new action of God, whose province is to create new futures for people and to let them be amazed in the midst of despair.
— Walter Brueggemann



Peripheral - pt 4 (The way of the Kingdom / Mark 1:14-15)


Join us for our journey through Mark's gospel recording of Jesus. Part four sees us looking at the kingdoms around us and how revolutionary Jesus' core announcement of the Kingdom of God was.

Later on, after John was arrested, Jesus went into Galilee, where he preached God’s Good News. “The time promised by God has come at last!” he announced. “The Kingdom of God is near! Repent of your sins and believe the Good News!”
— Mark 1:14-15



Peripheral - pt 3 (The way through the desert / Mark 1:12-13)


Join us for our journey through Mark's gospel recording of Jesus. Part three sees us looking at Jesus' not avoiding the desert, but persisting through it. It's a place which our culture will do anything to avoid yet we are invited to find a way to walk through it.

We can ignore even pleasure. But pain insists upon being attended to. God whispers to us in our pleasures, speaks in our conscience, but shouts in our pains: it is his megaphone to rouse a deaf world.
— C.S. Lewis



Peripheral - pt 2 (Immersion in the new way / Mark 1:9-11)


Join us for our journey through Mark's gospel recording of Jesus. Part two sees us looking at baptism, salvation and a crazy story of people in church history who killed each other over where these two things meet.

Salvation is not an object you own — it’s a life you enter and live. Salvation is a form of belonging. Salvation is belonging in the kingdom of God.
— Brian Zahnd



Peripheral - pt 1 (The new way / Mark 1:1-8)


Join us for our journey through Mark's gospel recording of Jesus. Dan kicks us off in part one by looking at how the arrival of Jesus is a whole new way of seeing reality and living life.

This series isn’t for defining ourselves further as conservative or liberal. This series is our confession that those labels are not enough: the way of Jesus transcends our cultural labels and calls us to find a new way through the borders of all of them.
