Here is our Sunday Gathering sermon archive, perfect for if you have missed a Sunday, want to hear something again or want to share with a friend.
Peripheral - pt 22 (The Peripheral Pastor / Eugene Peterson)
Due to Labour Weekend, we did things a little differently and Dan shared this special talk introducing us to the influence of Eugene Peterson, a faithful leader in the modern church and what he shows us about following the Jesus Way together.
Peripheral - pt 21 ("You feed them." / Mark 6:30-44)
Join us for our journey through Mark's gospel recording of Jesus. In part twenty-one, Dan shares a talk on Jesus feeding the thousands and a movement from being those in the crowd to those who compassionately give.
Peripheral - pt 20 (Guest speaker: Donald Goodhall)
Join us for our journey through Mark's gospel recording of Jesus. In part twenty, guest speaker Donald Goodhall shares deeply on a conversation between Jesus and a Greek woman, helping us think about what to do with scriptures that we don’t like.
Peripheral - pt 19 (Vulgar-violent-power / Mark 6:14-29)
Join us for our journey through Mark's gospel recording of Jesus. In part nineteen, Dan shares a talk on a glimpse into Herod Antipas’ birthday banquet, the vulgar and violent things that happened there and a lesson on power.
Peripheral - pt 18 (The responsibility transfer / Mark 6:6-13)
Join us for our journey through Mark's gospel recording of Jesus. In part seventeen, Dan shares a talk on Jesus passing exousia to the disciples – a moment that changes how God's mission will be done on Earth forever.
Special Occasion: Family Panel
Join us for this special gathering where we took the occasion of Fathers Day to gather a panel and honestly talk about families in all kinds of ways.
Peripheral - pt 17 (Rejected as just a carpenter / Mark 6:1-6)
Join us for our journey through Mark's gospel recording of Jesus. In part seventeen, Dan shares a talk on the moment Jesus is rejected by his home-town, the danger of our "just" statements about God and an epic tale from church history that starts with a riot in Alexandria.
Peripheral - pt 16 (Signs and the Healer / Mark 5:21-43)
Join us for our journey through Mark's gospel recording of Jesus. In part sixteen, Hayley Morrison shares on the third significant sign recorded in Mark; that Jesus is God by his healing power.
Peripheral - pt 15 (Signs and the Lord over Death and Darkness / Mark 5:1-20)
Join us for our journey through Mark's gospel recording of Jesus. In part fifteen, Strahan shares on the second significant sign recorded in Mark, that Jesus is God by his confrontation of death and darkness.
Peripheral - pt 14 (Signs and the Lord of all creation / Mark 4:35-41)
Join us for our journey through Mark's gospel recording of Jesus. In part fourteen, Dan teaches on reading the signs in the gospel accounts and how this sign in particular shows us Jesus was the Lord of all creation.
Peripheral - pt 13 (Understanding parables / Mark 4:26-32)
Join us for our journey through Mark's gospel recording of Jesus. In part thirteen, Dan teaches on understanding why Jesus used this communication device so much, what the parables are answering and then we look at the final parables of Mark 4 together.
Peripheral - pt 12 (The way of illumination / Mark 4:21-25)
Join us for our journey through Mark's gospel recording of Jesus. In part twelve, Dan unpacks the second parable of Mark on a lamp being hidden, dark things being illuminated and making sure we are really listening.
Guest speaker: Brad Jersak (What's the big deal about the cross anyway?)
Guest speaker Brad Jersak shares on the importance of the cross in that it most clearly shows us what God is like, especially His nature of self-giving love.
Halftime - pt 5 (Living the cruciform-tension)
Halftime is our agenda for June at Central Vineyard. Together, we are pausing to look at the founding core values that we have embodied in our story so far, and also what we hope the future will look like as we embody the new things God is doing with us together. In this final part Dan highlights how we live in a tension of both trusting in God with all we can and yet, rolling our sleeves up to do our part that God needs us to do to love our city.
Halftime - pt 4 (From lantern, to lampstand / The art of living outward)
Halftime is our agenda for June at Central Vineyard. Together, we are pausing to look at the founding core values that we have embodied in our story so far, and also what we hope the future will look like as we embody the new things God is doing with us together. In part four Dan explores our fourth value of outward-living and taking our missiology seriously.
Halftime - pt 3 (From free-fall, to formation / Living an intentional spiritual journey)
Halftime is our agenda for June at Central Vineyard. Together, we are pausing to look at the founding core values that we have embodied in our story so far, and also what we hope the future will look like as we embody the new things God is doing with us together. In part three Dan explores our third value of intentionality and taking our spiritual journey seriously.
Halftime - pt 2 (From external, to embodied / Living as a faithful presence)
Halftime is our agenda for June at Central Vineyard. Together, we are pausing to look at the founding core values that we have embodied in our story so far, and also what we hope the future will look like as we embody the new things God is doing with us together. In part two Dan explores our second core value of embodiment.
Halftime - pt 1 (From pixels, to picture / Living in the big story of God)
Halftime is our agenda for June at Central Vineyard. Together, we are pausing to look at the founding core values that we have embodied in our story so far, and also what we hope the future will look like as we embody the new things God is doing with us together. Dan explores our first core value of living in the big story of God.
Guest speaker: Spanky Moore (Contemplative Prayer)
Guest speaker Spanky Moore shares on contemplative prayer and how it could be a subversive practice that is more important than we think for our wellbeing.
Peripheral - pt 11 (The way of imagination / Mark 4:1-20)
Join us for our journey through Mark's gospel recording of Jesus. In part eleven, Strahan gives an introduction to parables, and helps us to understand how they would have been interpreted in the original context.