
Our Sacred Togetherness - pt 3 / Committed to Connection

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As we start 2019, our summer series is asking the call to be a supernatural community. In this third and final part Dan suggests how we can achieve sacred togetherness: by committing to connection.

If a tree falls in the woods, and there is no one there to hear it - does it make a sound? What if a person falls into need of help, and there is no one connected to that person to see it - does the need get met?



Our Sacred Togetherness - pt 1 / Death to community-as-buzzword

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As we start 2019, our summer series is asking the call to be a supernatural community. In this first part Dan introduces a new richer and deeper definition for “community”: our sacred togetherness.

Communities, in spite of the sentimental way we sometimes think of them, don’t just happen. They need nurture, they need to be woven into unity.
— Rowan Williams
