Here is our Sunday Gathering sermon archive, perfect for if you have missed a Sunday, want to hear something again or want to share with a friend.
The Art of Living Outward Remix - pt 6 (Proximity)
Come on the journey of exploring our missional vision as a church as we remix the very first sermon series we did as a community and include some fresh discoveries since. In this final part, Dan shares on the proximity required for us to love our neighbours and live outward.
The Art of Living Outward Remix - pt 5 (Innovation and Invitation)
Come on the journey of exploring our missional vision as a church as we remix the very first sermon series we did as a community and include some fresh discoveries since. In this fifth part, Dan, Ella, Lydia, Sophia and Dave share on our value for mission that is innovative and invitational.
The Art of Living Outward Remix - pt 4 (People)
Come on the journey of exploring our missional vision as a church as we remix the very first sermon series we did as a community and include some fresh discoveries since. In this fourth part Alisha Wiseman explore the call to love our neighbours – not just as an idea, but actually loving them…
The Art of Living Outward Remix - pt 3 (Place)
Come on the journey of exploring our missional vision as a church as we remix the very first sermon series we did as a community and include some fresh discoveries since. In this third part Strahan Coleman looks at our current cultural epidemic of loneliness and the role of Biblical hospitality making a difference..
The Art of Living Outward Remix - pt 2 (Witnesses who embody a story)
Come on the journey of exploring our missional vision as a church as we remix the very first sermon series we did as a community and include some fresh discoveries since. In this second part Dan Sheed digs deeper on how Jesus says we are “the light of the world” and looks into how we are to be witnesses who embody a story.
The Art of Living Outward Remix - pt 1 (A missional problem, light and lampstands)
Come on the journey of exploring our missional vision as a church as we remix the very first sermon series we did as a community and include some fresh discoveries since. In this first part Dan Sheed introduces the missional problem we have and Hannah Bates introduces us to a bigger story of the mission of the church.
How are you? (A word on 1 Thessalonians 5:14, growth stage theory and patience)
In this in-between-series moment, Dan shares on the paradigm of 1 Thessalonians 5:14 as a way of identifying how we are going with God, some growth stage theory and an exhortation to becoming patient.
Commoners Communion / God in the Dark
This week we enjoy Strahan Coleman sharing with us part of his ‘God in the dark’ seminar material. Strahan usually does this with Commoners Communion, his ministry with which he has just released a prayer book and daily prayer poetry. Enjoy this other side to our beloved team member.
Sacred Differences - pt 7 (Reconciliation)
Join us for the last of our series ‘Sacred Differences’, where we explore the vision for diversity, unity and reconciliation in the Kingdom of God. This week Amanda Pilbrow finishes the series with her own journey of reconciliation and the generous invitation to the Table for all.
Sacred Differences - pt 6 (Diverse People)
Join us for our series ‘Sacred Differences’, where we explore the vision for diversity, unity and reconciliation in the Kingdom of God. This week Dan and Gab tag-teamed a talk on three things that make us diverse people: our passions, personalities and pathways of connecting to God.
Sacred Differences - pt 5 (Cultural Diversity)
Join us for our series ‘Sacred Differences’, where we explore the vision for diversity, unity and reconciliation in the Kingdom of God. This week we have three voices sharing their stories and lived-perspectives of cultural diversity with us: Mike, Natalie and Jesse.
Sacred Differences - pt 4 (Unity, not uniformity)
Join us for our series ‘Sacred Differences’, where we explore the vision for diversity, unity and reconciliation in the Kingdom of God. This week guest speaker Luke Geraty unpacks Philippians 2 and asks how the church can be a place of unity, not uniformity.
Sacred Differences - pt 3 (Gender)
Join us for our new series Sacred Differences, where we explore the vision for diversity, unity and reconciliation in the Kingdom of God. This week Dan and Alisha tag-team a talk on gender difference in the church, together framing up some of the issues that have been experienced and then painting a picture for a vision of the future.
Sacred Differences - pt 2 (Ladders, stages, ages and gifts)
Join us for our new series Sacred Differences, where we explore the vision for diversity, unity and reconciliation in the Kingdom of God. This week Dan teaches on the removal of the social ladder in the early church and we hear from a couple of our own with their story of the gift of difference amongst each other.
Sacred Differences: Series setup
Join us for our new series Sacred Differences, where we explore the vision for diversity, unity and reconciliation in the Kingdom of God. We begin with Dan Sheed sharing on the scriptural movement from the chosen people of God to the open and diverse church, and what that means for us today.
Pentecost: The Spirit's inspiration and formation
Join us for this special festival of Pentecost as for two weeks we make the most of the church season of Spirit empowerment. This Sunday Strahan takes us through the day of Pentecost and what it means for us in this current moment.
Pentecost: Baptism of the in-and-on Spirit
Join us for this special festival of Pentecost as for two weeks we make the most of the church season of Spirit empowerment. This Sunday Dan starts us off in the origin story of the church in Acts 1 and the revolutionary promise Jesus told them to wait for.
Different Voices - Olivia Pilbrow
Our month of hearing different voices finishes with our very own Olivia Pilbrow sharing her story and wisdom on grief, what to do if you’re supporting someone going through it and an encouragement for when you are going through it yourself.
Different Voices - Vic Francis
Our month of hearing different voices continues with Vic Francis (Shore Vineyard, Vineyard College) sharing a talk on ‘God’s invitation to grow’ realising that every life stage you are in has opportunities to say a new and different ‘yes’ to God.
Different Voices - Fran Francis
Our month of hearing different voices continues with Fran Francis (Spiritual director, SGMNZ, Shore Vineyard) sharing a talk on ‘Benediction’ and the four active thresholds of listening to God’s blessed word; recognising, realising, respecting and reflecting.