Here is our Sunday Gathering sermon archive, perfect for if you have missed a Sunday, want to hear something again or want to share with a friend.

This Is Church Asher Pilbrow This Is Church Asher Pilbrow

This is Church: pt 4 - "Do you see what I'm prayin'?"

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"This Is Church" is our Sunday Online teaching series exploring the letter to the Ephesians and a vision of church most of us have never seen.

In part 4, Dan continues through the first chapter of this circular letter, looking at Paul's opening prayer and asking if you can see what he is praying? Well if not, you must.

To watch the talk, see our Vimeo channel.


Teaching by Dan Sheed
Edited by Dylan Jones
Music by Ants Jeffares

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Conversations Asher Pilbrow Conversations Asher Pilbrow

Sunday Online Special - "Mapping the Future"


Dan, Gab, Rob and Alisha sit down together for their first in-person chat since we all went into our bubbles to discuss the future at Central Vineyard.

What does the future hold? What will Home Gatherings be like? How will we compassionately serve our city? What has God been prophetically saying?

To watch the talk, see our Vimeo channel.

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This Is Church Asher Pilbrow This Is Church Asher Pilbrow

This is Church: pt 3 - "A glorious viewpoint."

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"This Is Church" is our Sunday Online teaching series exploring the letter to the Ephesians and a vision of church most of us have never seen.

In part 3, Dan continues through the opening paragraphs of this circular letter, looking at Paul's opening blessing as a grand glorious viewpoint and asks: why the big deal about "glory" anyway?

To watch the talk, see our Vimeo channel.


Teaching by Dan Sheed
Edited by Dylan Jones
Music by Ants Jeffares

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This Is Church Asher Pilbrow This Is Church Asher Pilbrow

This is Church: pt 2 - "Hey, saint! Yeah, you."

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"This Is Church" is our Sunday Online teaching series exploring the letter to the Ephesians and a vision of church most of us have never seen.

In part 2, Dan begins teaching through the opening sentences of this circular letter to the churches of Ephesus from their founder, Paul. In these opening words Paul makes a big call; that the audience are saints.

To watch the talk, see our Vimeo channel


Teaching by Dan Sheed
Edited by Dylan Jones
Music by Ants Jeffares

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This Is Church Asher Pilbrow This Is Church Asher Pilbrow

This is Church: pt 1 - "We can't imagine this."

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"This Is Church" is our Sunday Online teaching series exploring the letter to the Ephesians and a vision of church most of us have never seen.

In part 1, Dan frames up the need for us to take this journey; most of us simply can't imagine God, a plan and His people as gloriously as Ephesians wants us to see.

To watch the talk, see our Vimeo channel


Teaching by Dan Sheed
Edited by Dylan Jones
Music by Ants Jeffares

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COVID-19 Asher Pilbrow COVID-19 Asher Pilbrow

The old, the new, adaption and innovation: Becoming the Church for this moment of COVID-19 cont.

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For reflecting in your Circle, online group or on your own

  1. Post-Easter the Church begins living the new Way with much adaption and innovation. What other ways do they adapt? What new things do they innovate? Read more of the book of Acts or a New Testament epistle this week to find some more examples.

  2. How have you been conserving the most essential things during lockdown life? What important things have continued to be done since a few weeks ago? What practices in your day have you kept? What in your life couldn’t you live without?

  3. What adaptions have you made to your life in this time?

  4. What has been cast aside in this time? What have gone without? How do you feel about losing those things?

  5. As you prayerfully consider the future, what is Jesus saying to you? What is beginning to resonate in your spirit? What can you “see”?



If you’re doing this in a group online or within your home:

  1. First of all please refer to and follow all instructions for gathering in a heathy way in this time

  2. Prepare communion in an appropriately safe manner prior to commencing, preferably some bread and juice/wine

  3. Find one or two people who are willing to read aloud. Or perhaps give each person a section.

  4. If you have someone who is willing to facilitate musical worship have them prepare. use this Spotify playlist

Suggested songs: Kia kaha; It is well with my soul (chorus); I exalt thee


If you’re doing this by yourself:

  1. Prepare yourself some communion to take, preferably some bread and juice/wine

  2. Still say these prayers aloud as an expression of trust that God really is in the room with you, not just ‘up there’

  3. Prepare yourself for the readings with your Bible.


Some final preparation:

  • Liturgy is best practiced slowly

  • Light a candle if you struggle to concentrate, this is to come back to when your mind wanders as a symbol of Jesus who is the light of the world

  • Embrace the silence and stillness that is in new abundance in our lives

  • Allow for space between prayers, between lines


Be blessed as you gather and place yourself before our God



(Said aloud by leader)

Almighty God,
we praise you for all you have done.
Help us with all that you want us to do.

Come Holy Creator,
and rebuild the city of Auckland
so that we do not labour in vain without you.

Come Holy Saviour,
and heal all that is broken
in our lives and in our streets.

Come, Holy Spirit,
and strengthen our essential workers with the energy and willingness
to serve our city to your honour and glory.



(Said aloud by leader, and together for last line of each sentence)

Lord, You have always given
bread for the coming day;
and though I am poor,
today I believe.

Lord, You have always given
strength for the coming day;
and though I am weak,
today I believe.

Lord, You have always given
peace for the coming day;
and though of anxious heart,
today I believe.

Lord, You have always kept
me safe in trials;
and now, tried as I am,
today I believe.

Lord, You have always marked
the road for the coming day;
and though it may be hidden,
today I believe.

Lord, You have always lightened
this darkness of mine;
and though the night is here,
today I believe.

Lord, You have always spoken
when time was ripe;
and though you be silent now,
today I believe.



(Read aloud, and if you have someone who is willing to facilitate musical worship in your home feel free to substitute the Psalm for a time of sung worship)

Old Testament - Exodus 16

Psalm 107

New Testament – Acts 10



(A free time for group intersession and prayer for our community, our land and our world)



(Distribute the elements so that everyone has them in hand, then leader reads aloud)

This is the table,
not of the Church but
of Jesus Christ.

It is made ready for
those who love God
and who want to love
God more.

So come, you who
have much faith and
you who have little,

You who have been
here often and you
who have not been for
a long time or ever

You who have tried to
follow and all of us
who have failed.

These are the gifts
of God for the People
of God.

Come, not because the
Church invites you;

It is Christ who
invites you to be
known and fed here.

(Take and be still)


(Declared aloud by leader)

May the peace of the Lord be with you,

Wherever he may have you.

May he guide you through the wilderness,

protect you through the storm.

May he bring you home rejoicing

at the wonders he has shown you.

May he bring you home rejoicing

once again into our doors.

Feel free to spend some time in reflective worship using this Spotify playlist.

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