Here is our Sunday Gathering sermon archive, perfect for if you have missed a Sunday, want to hear something again or want to share with a friend.
Baptism Stories
Join us for a special week celebrating baptisms and the stories of those who were baptised.
Matter, matters - pt 5: Consuming Beings
As human beings we have a need for fuel and an enjoyment of what we taste. God has gifted us the provision for these core needs. In a culture of over indulging and binging, how do we live with respect, gratitude and care for what we consume?
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Matter, matters - pt 4: Sexual Beings
Paul’s key point on not being dualistic comes in hot amongst a point about what it means to be sexual beings. How does it look to be a sexual being when we are living with an integrated body and spirit?
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Matter, matters - pt 3: Integrated bodies
The incarnation of Christ affirms the body, and our bodies have been made in the image of God, then how do we work with all the aspects of being human - a body with emotions to feel and a mind to think?
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Matter, matters - pt 2: The Rewiring
What does it mean to be the temple of the Holy Spirit? If matter is good, then we have some rewiring to do. Creation has been made like a temple, with a trajectory and an order, and we are to partner with God to enjoy working in it and steward it as image bearers – but we are not Lord over it.
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Matter, matters - pt 1: Introduction
As we being our series, we get our bearings for what looking at Christ-centred materiality will be all about. We explore the New Testament and Early church rejections of Platonic Dualism and discover how they aren’t just a problem for back then, but they live on today in many polar divisions in culture and the Church.
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Eastertide pt 4: The left behind
We’re taking the four weeks after Easter to linger a little longer on the four stories from Luke 24. What do we do as the Easter event The final scene of Luke’s gospel has a few things for us to consider.
Eastertide pt 3: The doubting
We’re taking the four weeks after Easter to linger a little longer on the four stories from Luke 24. What do we do with moments of doubt with God or misunderstanding the work of Jesus? A scene in a room with the doubting disciples leads us to seek some answers together.
Eastertide pt 2: The Disappointed
We’re taking the four weeks after Easter to linger a little longer on the four stories from Luke 24. What do we do with moments of being disappointed in God or misunderstanding the work of Jesus? A road scene with two people having an open conversation has some answers for us to consider.
Eastertide pt 1: The Perplexed
We’re taking the four weeks after Easter to linger a little longer on the four stories from Luke 24. What do we do with moments of felling perplexed and disorientated in faith? A garden scene with some women and then Peter has some encouragement and answers for us.
All In: Canoeing the Mountains + Ella's Commissioning
During our first All In gathering for 2021 we heard from Dan as he shared an analogy for where we are at as a community, a few things for the future and then we commission Ella Oh as a pastoral leader.
Whanaungatanga and Manaakitanga
Join us for this mini-series of reflections from the letter to the Philippians. Rob Wiseman shares on the whanaungatanga and manaakitanga Paul and the Philippian church share.
Sunday Online: March 7 - Practicing Joy
Join us for a Sunday Online reflection from the letter to the Philippians. This Sunday Dan shares on Paul’s tone of joy and his gratitude for the gospel.
Special Podcast: Slowing Down for His Spirit
Join us for this special Alert Level 2 Sunday for a podcast homily encouraging us as a community to slow down for His Spirit as we re-run Prayer Week.
Special Podcast: Night Prayer
Narrated by Keri Muller
E te Atua,
ko te pō.
He mea tau te pō.
Kia tau mātou i te atawhai a te Atua.
Ko te pō i muri i te rangi roa.
Kua mahia tērā i mahia;
kua kore e mahia tērā i kore i mahia;
waiho kia pērā.
Kei te pōuri te pō.
Kia noho ō mātou koera o te pōuri me te ao
i ō mātou ake oranga
ki roto anō i a koe.
Kei te ngū te pō.
Mā te ngū o tō mārie e whakakopa i a mātou, i a rātou e tata ana ki a mātou,
i a rātou hoki he mārie-kore tō rātou.
Ka tohua te ao e te pō.
Mā tātou te rangi hōu,
ngā ngahau hōu,
ngā whaiwāhitanga hoki e tiro kawatau.
Ka īnoi mātou i tō ingoa.
it is night.
The night is for stillness.
Let us be still in the presence of God.
It is night after a long day.
What has been done has been done;
what has not been done has not been done;
let it be.
The night is dark.
Let our fears of the darkness of the world and of our own lives
rest in you.
The night is quiet.
Let the quietness of your peace enfold us,
all dear to us,
and all who have no peace.
The night heralds the dawn.
Let us look expectantly to a new day,
new joys,
new possibilities.
In your name we pray.
“Night Prayer” of A New Zealand Prayer Book He Karakia Mihinare o Aotearoa (page 184)
Sacramental: pt 3 - Oil, anointing and the Kingdom
As we begin 2021 our summer series is taking a closer look at some of the sacraments we use together as a community of faith. What are the physical means we have to experience spiritual realities?
In this final week Dan shares on anointing oil, the work of God by His Spirit and the means to the end; the Kingdom of God.
Sacramental: pt 2 - Creation is good, water and baptism
As we begin 2021 our summer series is taking a closer look at some of the sacraments we use together as a community of faith. What are the physical means we have to experience spiritual realities?
In this second week Dan explores how God as Creator created creation and blessed it, using water as a means for miracles and metaphor, and then teaches on the sacrament of baptism.
Sacramental: pt 1 - Ending dualism and bread and wine
As we begin 2021 our summer series is taking a closer look at some of the sacraments we use together as a community of faith. What are the physical means we have to experience spiritual realities?
In this first week Dan explores the dualism between matter and spiritual that we must counter and what the bread and wine are when we take communion together.
Summer Sabbath Podcast: Ep 3
Join us for our special summer break podcast reflecting each Sunday on the practice of sabbath.
Curated and produced by Patrick Trace
Voice: Sarah Patterson
Music: Antony Jeffares
Summer Sabbath Podcast: Ep 2
Join us for our special summer break podcast reflecting each Sunday on the practice of sabbath.
Curated and produced by Patrick Trace
Voice: Patrick Trace
Music: Antony Jeffares