Here is our Sunday Gathering sermon archive, perfect for if you have missed a Sunday, want to hear something again or want to share with a friend.
Wholly Following Christ - The Compassionate Life pt 4 (Compassion as good works)
Wholly Following Christ is a series exploring a beautiful and balanced vision of the Christian life. Join us as we continue our month-long exploration of the fourth facet, “the Compassionate life”.
In this final talk, Dan Sheed explores how the compassionate life is one of good works, a Biblical motto for life lived in the radical call to acts of goodness that witness to life with Jesus in his Kingdom.
Wholly Following Christ - The Compassionate Life pt 3 (Compassion as servanthood)
Wholly Following Christ is a series exploring a beautiful and balanced vision of the Christian life. Join us as we continue our month-long exploration of the fourth facet, “the Compassionate life”.
In this third talk, Dan Sheed explores how the compassionate life is one lived in Christ’s example of servanthood, a life practising submission and service.
Wholly Following Christ - The Compassionate Life pt 2 (Compassion for social-rightness)
Wholly Following Christ is a series exploring a beautiful and balanced vision of the Christian life. Join us as we continue our month-long exploration of the fourth facet, “the Compassionate life”.
In this second talk, Dan Sheed explores how the compassionate life is tied to social justice, and what Jesus’ vision for social justice was, informed by three Hebrew words together; hesed, mishpat and shalom.
Wholly Following Christ - The Compassionate Life pt 1 (Moved by compassion to embody compassion)
Wholly Following Christ is a series exploring a beautiful and balanced vision of the Christian life. Join us as we start our month-long exploration of the fourth facet, “the Compassioante life”.
In this first talk, Dan Sheed explores the pattern of compassion; that we are moved by it to do something right, that we are “moved by compassion” to then embody it as a response.
Wholly Following Christ - The Consecrated Life pt 3 (Fasting in a world of feasting)
Wholly Following Christ is a series exploring a beautiful and balanced vision of the Christian life. Join us as we finish our month-long exploration of the third facet, “the Consecrated life”.
In this third talk, Dan Sheed explores an abstinence way to continue in the consecrated life, a way where we learn to fast in a world of feasting.
Wholly Following Christ - The Consecrated Life pt 2 (Jesus' Vision for the Consecrated Life)
Wholly Following Christ is a series exploring a beautiful and balanced vision of the Christian life. Join us as we continue our month-long exploration of the third facet, “the Consecrated life”.
In this second talk, Dan Sheed explores Jesus’ vision for the consecrated life, and to do so, requires a backup to run through the greater story of “the holiness gap” that Jesus was coming to reorient...
Wholly Following Christ - The Consecrated Life pt 1 (Set apart in an age of moral anarchy)
Wholly Following Christ is a series exploring a beautiful and balanced vision of the Christian life. Join us as we start our month-long exploration of the third facet, “the Consecrated life”.
In this first talk, Dan Sheed explores how our world is in an age of moral anarchy and how holiness is a call to be set apart amongst it as people of a consecrated difference.
Wholly Following Christ - The Word-anchored life pt 3 (Practising a Word-anchored metabolism)
Wholly Following Christ is a series exploring a beautiful and balanced vision of the Christian life. Join us as we continue our month-long exploration of the second facet, “the Word-anchored life”.
In this third talk, Dan Sheed explores how we “eat this book”, why reading is harder than ever and some practices to help Scripture dwell richly within us.
Wholly Following Christ - The Word-anchored life pt 2 (Jesus' vision of the Word-anchored life)
Wholly Following Christ is a series exploring a beautiful and balanced vision of the Christian life. Join us as we continue our month-long exploration of the second facet, “the Word-anchored life”.
In this second talk, Donald Goodhall explores Jesus’ vision of the Word-anchored life, the script he lived in, and asks a key question, “What is the Script of your living?”
Wholly Following Christ - The Word-anchored life pt 1 (Anchored to what?)
Wholly Following Christ is a series exploring a beautiful and balanced vision of the Christian life. Join us as we start our month-long exploration of the second facet, “the Word-anchored life”.
In this first talk, Dan Sheed asks “what are you anchored to?” and frames up what we’re talking about when we talk about the Word of God.
Wholly Following Christ - The Spirit-empowered life pt 4 (Establishing Rhythms of Renewal)
Wholly Following Christ is a series exploring a beautiful and balanced vision of the Christian life. Join us as we continue our month-long exploration of the first facet, “the Spirit-empowered life”.
In this final talk, Natalie Wendzich shares on how we sustain the Spirit-empowered life so that it is aimed at fruitfulness, and to do so we must live in the rhythm of both the sacred radical, and the sacred ordinary.
Wholly Following Christ - The Spirit-empowered life pt 3 (Practicing the Spirit-empowered life)
Wholly Following Christ is a series exploring a beautiful and balanced vision of the Christian life. Join us as we continue our month-long exploration of the first facet, “the Spirit-empowered life”.
In this third talk, Dan Sheed shares on how we practice the Spirit-empowered life so that it is aimed at fruitfulness and frames up how we embrace both the organic and messy, but also, the ordered and habitual.
Wholly Following Christ - The Spirit-empowered life pt 2 (Jesus' Vision for the Spirit-empowered life)
Wholly Following Christ is a series exploring a beautiful and balanced vision of the Christian life. Join us as we continue our month-long exploration of the first facet, “the Spirit-empowered life”.
In this second talk, Dan Sheed shares Jesus’ vision of the Spirit-empowered life and frames up how we are to become the new temple-people who commune with God’s Holy Spirit.
Wholly Following Christ - The Spirit-empowered life pt 1 (Aaron Hardy: Te Hau Ora and a Spirit-empowered life)
Wholly Following Christ is a series exploring a beautiful and balanced vision of the Christian life. Join us as we begin our month-long exploration of the first facet, “the Spirit-empowered life”.
Guest speaker Aaron Hardy kicks off this facet of the series, firstly prophesying a few words, and then sharing on life with Te Hau Ora / the Holy Spirit.
Wholly Following Christ - pt 3 (Change: what is it, and how do we?)
Wholly Following Christ is a series exploring a beautiful and balanced vision of the Christian life. Join us for this final part of introducing the series, where Natalie Wendzich teaches on how we change. If we are invited into the abundant life Jesus has for us, then how will we actually see it happen?
Wholly Following Christ - pt 2 ("Come, follow me")
Wholly Following Christ is a series exploring a beautiful and balanced vision of the Christian life. Join us for this second part of introducing the series, where Alisha Wiseman explores who it is we are following and the importance of Jesus as our answer.
Wholly Following Christ - pt 1 (From segmented to whole)
Wholly Following Christ is a series exploring a beautiful and balanced vision of the Christian life. Join us for this first part where Dan Sheed introduces the holistic life of Jesus and his invitation to us all to leave our segmented existence and move towards wholeness.
Heart Talks - Trusting in a God who is at Work
Heart Talks is a short season of talks sharing what is most precious to us for the journey ahead. In this talk, Vivek (pastor of Central Vineyard New Lynn gathering) shares on trusting in a God who is always at work.
Heart Talks - Aiming for the Future
Heart Talks is a short season of talks sharing what is most precious to us for the journey ahead. In this talk, Dan explores time, the Bible and the pastoral call of the New Testament to aim for the future work of God that has been started in Christ.
Heart Talks - Returning to the Way of Jesus
Heart Talks is a short season of talks sharing what is most precious to us for the journey ahead. In this talk, Dan shares the need for us to not just centre on Jesus, but to return to his way amongst so many other ways.