Here is our Sunday Gathering sermon archive, perfect for if you have missed a Sunday, want to hear something again or want to share with a friend.

A radical agenda Asher Pilbrow A radical agenda Asher Pilbrow

A radical manifesto - pt 1 (What is a sermon? / Learning to hear above the noise)

“The Sermon on the Mount is like a great album with flow and rhythm, made to be enjoyed as a whole. If we read it as just a couple of isolated-soundbites we will ruin it, miss the point and misinterpret it, which ultimately means we will miss out on living it.”
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The art of living outward Asher Pilbrow The art of living outward Asher Pilbrow

The art of living outward - pt 3 (Not just salaries and superstars / Doing it together)

Since God has invited us to be a part of His mission to restore and renew the world, let’s not just leave it up to the superstars or salaries, but let’s band together as the church, to collaborate, dream, plan and do – getting everyone involved. Let’s do this together.
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