Here is our Sunday Gathering sermon archive, perfect for if you have missed a Sunday, want to hear something again or want to share with a friend.
Intention: What do you want? - pt 3 (Our practices shape our loves)
Dan Sheed finishes our summer series inspired by the book "You are what you love" by looking at how our practices shape our loves, and in particular we celebrate the Church's practice of the communion table.
Intention: What do you want? - pt 2 (You might not love what you think)
Dan Sheed continues our summer series, looking at how when we look at our habits and practices, we may not love what we think.
Intention: What do you want? - pt 1 (Loving what Jesus loves)
We kick off 2017 with a summer series inspired by the book "You are what you love" by James K. A. Smith. This week, Dan shares on the power of asking what we want and looking at how that shapes what we do.
And I will give you rest - pt 4 (Rest is good)
We finish 2016 by reflecting on our Good Gifts initiative, Dan Sheed lands the series and we hear an important prophetic word that has been brewing up for a few weeks.
And I will give you rest - pt 3 (Rest is trust)
Dan Sheed takes us through the third part of our "And I will give you rest" series, looking at how rest is trust in what God is doing when we can't do anything,
And I will give you rest - pt 2 (Rest is freedom)
Dan Sheed continues our series "And I will give you rest." looking at how rest is intrinsically tied to freedom and how to live it out joyfully.
And I will give you rest - pt 1 (Rest is a rhythm)
Dan Sheed kicks of our new series "And I will give you rest" where we look at how work and rest is a rhythm to find.
Guest speaker: Jacinda Lilly (Trust and obey)
Guest speaker, Jacinda Lilly, shares with us a challenge to keep being people who say "yes" to what God is leading us towards: both as individuals and a growing church.
Guest speaker: Lloyd Rankin (Movement, ambition and rhythm)
Guest speaker Lloyd Rankin shares on what it is to have a good ambition for building a life and sharing it with others.
Gifted - pt 11 (The gifted community / Love lived together)
Dan Sheed finishes our Gifted series, landing us in 1 Corinthians 13 with a community manifesto to pursue love as our highest calling.
Gifted - pt 10 (The ministry gifts / Equipping and building fires)
Dan Sheed shares on Ephesians 4, and how as gifted people we all play a part in equipping each other towards maturity.
Gifted - pt 9 (The gift of healing / The bridge between the broken and the holy cont.)
Dan Sheed continues our "Gifted" series, looking at the gift of healing and why God heals as well as what is happening when we're not healed.
Gifted - pt 8 (The gift of faith / The bridge between the broken and the holy)
Dan Sheed continues our "Gifted" series, looking at the gift of faith and how it makes us the bridge between the broken and the holy.
Gifted - pt 7 (The gifts / Unexpected service)
Cameron Thorp shares in our "Gifted" series on the gift of service, and how it changes the way we will see what God is doing and how we will see people.
Gifted - pt 6 (Discernment / Learning where to look)
Georgia Johnstone shares in our "Gifted" series, looking at the gift of discernment and how it works in our lives.
Gifted - pt 5 (The gifts / Prophecy)
Strahan Coleman shares in our "Gifted" series, looking at the gift of prophecy and how we can practice it everyday.
God as Father (Projected or revealed?) - Fathers Day special
We took a break from our series this week, with Dan Sheed sharing this talk on how we view God.